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Iiyama good thing or material delicious
  1. Home
  2. Food
  3. Agricultural products / edible wild plants / livestock
  4. Mushroom
Mushrooms of Iiyama Eat a lot and promote health!
Mushroom cultivation of Iiyama with a history of over 40 years, has a high reputation in Shinshu that has the top of Japanese mushroom production volume. Such as enoki, shimeji, nameko, and maitake, they are cultivated painstakingly per roots and quality and taste are guaranteed. Mashroom has rich dietary fiber with low-calorie, and has been demonstrated variety of effects. Please help promoting health with eating a lot of mushrooms.
Search results: 1 Category name: Agricultural products / edible wild plants / livestock, Mushroom
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0822-01_rokubee (17).JPG
Snow & temple town dining ROKUBEE (六兵衛) Agricultural products / edible wild plants / livestock, Asparagus, Miyuki pork, Mushroom, Restaurant / Dining room, Rice, Sasazushi, Snack bar, Tokiwa burdock, Tomikura soba Rokubee is the place to go for local cuisine, with everything from traditional dishes like Tomikura ...

Address  32-5, Minamimachi, Iiyama, Nagano 389-2254
TEL   0269-62-4359

平均価格(大人1名分):3001円~5000円 価格(大人1名分):3001円~5000円 食材:飯山の農産物 食材:みゆきポーク 食材:飯山産コシヒカリ ジャンル:そば ジャンル:和食 ジャンル:居酒屋 ジャンル:郷土料理 施設:喫煙可 施設:座敷 施設:個室 施設:車椅子可 施設:貸切可 特色あるサービス:テレビや雑誌に紹介された店 特色あるサービス:飯山駅から徒歩10分圏内(駅ちか) 特色あるサービス:テイクアウトOK 特色あるサービス:地酒が飲める店 エリア:飯山市街地

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