Situated in the far north of Nagano Prefecture, Iiyama city is Japan's eternal home town, where nostalgic scenery depicted in songs like Furusato and Oborozukiyo can still be found. Amidst the region's rich natural landscape, a unique history and culture, sense of tradition, and kindness has flourished. With elegant streets lined with temples, deep forests and highlands, and specialty produce each season, the area is full of charming attractions.
The new Iiyama Station on the Hokuriku Shinkansen (Bullet Train) line connecting Nagano City and Kanazawa City opened in the spring of 2015.
This means Iiyama is now easily and efficiently accessible from anywhere in Japan. We hope to see you in Iiyama.
Iiyama City, located in Nagano Prefecture's far north, can be divided roughly into six areas: Shinanodaira, Madarao Kogen, Hokuryuko, Togari Onsen, Nabekura Kogen, Central Iiyama. Visitors can experience the traditional Japanese way of life in any season, and enjoy a variety of experiences in each district.
Travel Agent Registration No.2-492 certified by Governor of Nagano Prefecture ANTA PARTNER
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